Located in the heart of Brandon, Manitoba, BNS is a non-profit nursery school operated by a parent-run board of directors, and has been in operation for over 36 years! With highly-trained educators, a warm, caring atmosphere, a large, sunny classroom and a gymnasium for the children's use, we know your child will love it!
BNS offers a professionally designed curriculum, complete with lesson plans, assessments, and newsletters for parents to use as a guide, and has one of Brandon's lowest child-to-staff ratios. Government regulations state that we are required to have a minimum of one teacher per ten children, but we have a ratio of one teacher to only 7.5 children! (Two teachers for every class of fifteen) which means that there is more opportunity for the teachers to interact with your child, ensuring more nurturing, guidance and teachable moments.
We know that learning is easier when you have an excellent teacher.
Our Nursery School director, Melissa May, B.A. (Psychology), ECE 3, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her position. Her commitment to Brandon Nursery School and her love for all the kids in our program is evident in everything she does.
Teacher Nola Schellenberg, ECE 3, began working with Brandon Nursery School in 2008. Before that , she owned and operated her own private daycare. Nola's thoughtfulness and gentleness puts even the most hesitant child at ease.
We are always looking for great people to join our board of directors. If YOU would like to be a part of this amazing parent-run institution, please contact Melissa May, Rogan McLean, or any of the board members listed on our contact page. Board members need not have children enrolled at the school; Grandmas, Grandpas, aunts and uncles and those with a genuine interest in the health and longevity of Brandon Nursery School are encouraged to contact us about lending a helping hand.
Children place jackets and backpacks in locker of their choice, put on indoor shoes on and wait on the carpeted room until the teacher opens the door to the nursery school room.
Children enter the nursery school room and are free to participate in the art activity in place or play in numerous learning centers throughout the classroom. Each center is designed for certain play activities and promotes different areas of development
Clean up time. Children will help put away the toys from all the learning centres. The children will then get their lunch bags from their lockers and place them on the snack tables.
The children meet in the library area where children greet our friends. They will learn about weekly themes through songs, literature, music activities and experiments. One child will be designated star of the day and can bring a show and tell item to talk about with his/her friends.
The children will take turns washing their hands before they sit down for snack. They will sit down at the tables with their teachers and enjoy a nutritious snack. The children wash their hands when they are done snack and sit down with teachers and read books until everyone is ready to go to the gym.
Children have lots of energy and need time to run, skip, jump, climb and play active games! We will spend each day developing these gross motor skills through various activities and gym games.
Teachers will prepare students with their belongings and bring them to 17th street doors to meet their parent/guardian.
The times of the activities are approximate with room for flexibility. Depending on the interest of the children some activities may continue for longer or shorter periods of time.
Each child is unique and has the right to love, respect and quality care.
All children should have optimal experiences for physical, social, emotional and cognitive growth. They should be encouraged to develop creativity, self-confidence and positive self-image.
They should also have an opportunity to learn to make choices and decisions, to solve problems and become independent, capable thinkers.
Since children are active learners, they are entitled to a safe, fun stimulating environment where they can explore their surroundings.
The ability to learn should be nurtured so that learning and growth are a playful process.
Teachers at Brandon Nursery School will use the school's philosophy on a daily basis by:
Teachers at Brandon Nursery School will provide children with the opportunity to:
For prospective students:
Is my child ready for Nursery School?
If your child will be a minimum of 32 months old by the start of school, is daytime potty-trained, and enjoys meeting new friends and having new experiences, we would love to have you join us!
Please register early, as spaces fill up quickly.
For more information, please call
Director Melissa May at (204) 725-2226.
451-18th St.Brandon, MB R7A 5A9 Canada
Any information regarding the Coronavirus/COVID-19 situation at BNS will be shared at the link, below: